EarthKry jams some of the smoothest reggae you’ll ever hear


EarthKry jams some of the smoothest reggae you’ll ever hear! I had the chance to watch EarthKry at San Diego’s Blk Box Gallery, a really cool venue, and they were absolutely amazing!

This Jamaican band is making some of the best roots reggae music in the world, and seeing them live turned me from a big fan into a huge fan!

Some of my favorite songs the band played were “9 to 5”, “Ms. Mary”, “See You Again”, and “Soon Come”.

The band had Dalwayne come on stage for a few songs, and he really impressed me with his vocals.

EarthKry’s transitions from one song to another were so clean, and the vibes were so positive! You could feel the band’s experience and togetherness, which was a beautiful thing.

By CB.


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